

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Welcome to my Blog!

Can I be honest?  I don't regularly read blogs.  It never even dawned on me to start a blog.  As a homeschooling mom of 7 and home based business owner, I think my plate is pretty full.  But after attending a conference for women in home based businesses,  I decided to start a blog for my business, Sebastianseven.  I crochet baby hats and photo props. I love receiving images of babies in my hats, why not post them here with their stories?  Who doesn't love a great baby story?  But in talking with other moms, I have been encouraged to share more of my experiences - our journey of homeschooling, striving to be debt free, homemaking, and life in general.  I hope you find some things that will be helpful to you in your journey.  And enjoy a beautiful baby story from time to time as well.